
Explanation of the new Facebook Timeline

Some people like the new Facebook Timeline, and some do not. However, it has become a reality for everyone. I do not expect there to be a way to revert to the old look unless Facebook offers this option (which I do not expect). Therefore, I will explain the new system, along with the new features that I believe are exceptional. So, I recommend following the topic and then judging the Timeline.

It should be noted that this explanation is specific to accounts, not pages. For a complete guide on Facebook Timeline for pages, refer to the explanation on Facebook Timeline for pages topic.

How to activate the Timeline now

In a previous post on the blog’s Facebook page, I explained the method:

If you can’t wait to activate the Timeline on all accounts, you can get it now through this link, then click on Get Timeline or Get Timeline, then you will find that your profile has turned into a Timeline. Just click on Publish Now to publish it publicly. But note that once activated, you won’t be able to go back to the previous look. In general, the Timeline will be activated on all accounts within days.”

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