Explanation of how to lock your USB flash drive with a password and protect your files (new method)

Nowadays, there are multiple methods of protection and encryption that are diverse due to the current breaches in the world of computers and the internet. Everyone seeks to obtain the best means of protection, privacy, and security while using their computers and programs, or while browsing the internet. There are many diverse programs for protection and encryption, whether to protect computers, internet users, flash drives, or other hardware devices from intruders, privacy invaders, and curious individuals. As for USB flash drives, there are many programs and methods that show us how to protect and encrypt them, either through a password or by hiding them, in order to preserve and protect the data and personal files they contain from being viewed by others. Previously, Mr. Mahmoud Monir addressed in excellent articles the topic of protecting and encrypting flash drives by setting a password for them, including methods for protecting flash memory with a password and using the Protectorion ToGo program to encrypt and protect files on the flash drive. There are also articles related to repairing flash drives and solving their problems, such as the best program for recovering lost flash drive space and repairing its problems, the best and easiest way to repair a USB flash drive (new software), repairing bad sectors on a flash drive. Today, we will learn a new way to encrypt and protect a flash drive with a password and protect the files it contains and hide them through a small and unique program in its operation and it’s free.