Download Call of Duty World at War Game for Free in Small Size

Download Call of Duty World at War game from MediaFire compressed for PC, engage in World War II battles and confront others in multiplayer matches online, enjoy a vast arsenal of firearms, and much more with the first-person perspective war game Call of Duty: World at War.
Call of Duty World at War game was developed by Activision in 2008 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 operating systems. It has achieved great success and widespread popularity, as one of the best war games depicting World War II battles with all their small and big details.
About Downloading Call of Duty World at War Game
The user participates in missions from the perspective of the Soviet army and the American army. All missions take place during the World War II era. The Soviet army missions include special operations behind enemy lines, such as destroying bridges, weapons and equipment warehouses, and many other missions aimed at besieging the Nazi army and liberating the occupied areas. It is worth noting that all missions are not easy due to the German army’s possession of a vast array of advanced weapons and well-trained soldiers.
While the American army missions involve stopping the advance of the Japanese army and depriving them of supplies through various land and sea battles. The player performs all the mentioned tasks in the game with his fighter friends controlled by artificial intelligence, who provide fire cover, kill enemies, and many important tasks during the confrontation.
The main character can shoot from a standing, crouching, or prone position after downloading the compressed Call of Duty World at War game. They can also pick up enemy grenades and throw them back. It is important to note that there are no shields or health boosts to use. When the main character is damaged, all you have to do is move away from the damage, and the character will gradually regain health.
Multiplayer Matches:
There are many online multiplayer play modes, including Capture the Flag, War mode, Mercenary mode, Deathmatch, Domination, and other various competitive play styles. Each soldier has two main weapons along with some hand grenades.
More about Call of Duty: World at War for PC:
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