
Display Stored Passwords on Google Chrome Browser

You may have passwords stored on your Google Chrome browser on your device and have forgotten these passwords and do not remember them. Therefore, if the browser is removed or Windows is reinstalled, you will lose these passwords. Or you may have a device at home with Google Chrome installed on it and you want to know the passwords stored on this device, you can do this easily by two methods. Directly through Google Chrome browser in just two steps or through a very special program that is small in size and works without installation. In this topic, we will review the two methods, in addition to a very important aspect and a review of the protection around this aspect and also important questions for Chrome users. I recommend reading the following lines.

Displaying stored passwords on Google Chrome browser manually

Copy and paste chrome://settings into the address bar in Google Chrome browser. Then click on Show advanced settings at the bottom of the page. Then scroll down the page specifically to Passwords, then click on Manage saved passwords.

Then you will see the websites and accounts stored by username and password. But note that the password will be in the form of hidden stars, so click on these stars and then click on Show to display the password. As shown in the image below but with my personal data hidden.

In this way, you will be able to view and know the accounts stored on Google Chrome browser easily. By knowing the websites and the username and password used in the login process.

Displaying stored passwords on Google Chrome browser using ChromePass

The program ChromePass is a small-sized tool that helps you display the username and passwords stored on Google Chrome browser easily and distinctly. It shows you the website link, login link, username, password, and also the date the password was stored. This way, you can view and display all the passwords stored on Google Chrome browser on any device you have through this extremely small-sized tool that does not require installation as it works directly. Just download it and then run it. (Download the program)

What about protecting passwords in Google Chrome!

Now I will not refrain from questioning myself. If you can display the accounts registered in Chrome, then anyone using your device can display them and identify them! If it is possible for anyone to access your device and display them, then anyone who hacks into your device and controls it can display them?! This certainly indicates that passwords are unprotected in Google Chrome. As for Firefox users, they can use the Master Password feature to protect Firefox passwords. As for Google Chrome, we will try to reach solutions to this problem in an upcoming topic, God willing.

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