
Discover the new version of the Wine software after a year of development.

When we talk about running Windows programs on other operating systems, the first thing that comes to mind is Wine. This program allows you to run most Windows applications on Linux, Mac OSX, FreeBSD, and even Solaris. The program provides a platform that simulates the Windows system and its programs without copying anything, as the license for this program is free and is known as the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Today, we announce the release of version 2.0 of this software. This version is the result of a year-long development effort, including 6600 changes and modifications. We will explore most of these changes and improvements today, so stay tuned. But before that, I recommend you to follow the previous topic of mastering the Linux system with the Linux command line guide, as well as getting to know the differences between the Linux system and other systems supported by the Wine program through understanding the differences between Linux and Unix.

What’s New in Wine Version 2.0:

One of the most important features in this new release is the support for running Microsoft Office 2013 and 64-bit architecture on macOS. This version is also the first to adopt a new release timing system, where features that are incomplete are postponed to the next version. This includes support for HID and Android graphics drivers. Other notable features include:

  • Support for more DirectWrite properties used in games.
  • Support for embedding fonts in PDF files.
  • Updating character tables to version 9.0.0 of Unicode standards.
  • Support for regional files for the Persian language.
  • Better support for right-to-left languages (such as Arabic).
  • Support for a new driver for better HID architecture support.
  • Using version 1.0 of GStreamer instead of version 0.10.
  • Multiple improvements regarding joystick controllers.
  • Greater support for audio and video files through the latest version of GStreamer.
  • Using libudev for better HID device support.
  • Resolution of various program issues and addition of other improvements.

Reasons to Use Wine:

There are many reasons that may lead someone to use the program to run Windows programs on their system, whether it is Linux or another system. Despite the availability of alternatives on these systems for Windows programs, which are often just as efficient and in many cases better, the widespread use of Windows programs may prompt many users to use Wine to run a specific program that is not available on their current system. For example, a client may request specific design programs or the use of Microsoft Office in some cases or in various other situations.

As for running or installing this program, it is easy during the installation process, but it requires a special setup to achieve the best possible support for most Windows programs. The strength of this support varies from one program to another and from one game to another. Some may run without issues, while others may require more resources to operate, and in a few cases, this program or game may not work. Do not worry, as we will work, God willing, on explaining all these steps that you need to take after installing this program soon on our blog Computer World in order to maximize the benefits of Wine.

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