Confirmation of Shenmue 3’s presence at TGS 2019 and important details about what will be revealed.

Confirmation of Shenmue 3 Presence at TGS 2019 Exhibition
Once again, the game Shenmue 3 has come back to the spotlight today due to the exciting details presented by the series creator, Mr. Yu Suzuki. Through official information, he confirmed that he will not miss the opportunity at the Tokyo Game Show event to reveal more details about the game. This is especially important as previous showcases at international expos this summer did not live up to expectations and left players disappointed compared to what was anticipated.
The development team is working to make up for this in the upcoming period, especially since the game has only a few months left before its release. They are rushing to improve and enhance the overall experience, as post-experience reviews have unanimously stated that the game fell short in terms of technical quality, which is something the team must address.
On the other hand, it has been confirmed that the showcase at the upcoming TGS 2019 will include new videos, important story details, and more surprises. Additionally, there will be a local meeting with voice actors Karuka Terui and Masaya Matsukaze, who play the roles of Shenhua and Ryo respectively.
They will have the opportunity to present the gameplay to the audience and discuss various related matters, making this showcase highly anticipated and important for enthusiastic fans awaiting every detail. It is worth noting that the release of Shenmue 3 is set for November 19th exclusively on PlayStation 4 and PC. Best regards.