Capcom discusses reasons for presenting Resident Evil VII in this new system.

Capcom Talks About Reasons for Introducing Resident Evil VII with this New System
Certainly, the Resident Evil series took a new direction or you could say a historical turning point with Resident Evil VII, after previously heading in a different direction that we didn’t know where it would lead. With the revelation of Resident Evil VII, things became even more intriguing as the series wasn’t used to such a direction, described by many as a turning point that could potentially end the series.
As it transitions to a gameplay style that wasn’t familiar to fans of the series, the game is currently undergoing development before its final release in January. Prior to that, Mr. Antoine Molant, the Commercial Director for Capcom Europe, spoke about what happened to bring the game to where it is with Resident Evil VII.
He confirmed that development began in 2014 after reviewing presentations of the game and asking the question: is this a Resident Evil game? How can it be presented like this? He went on to discover that the work on the game was like a reboot, but with the foundation of the original game in the series.
Mr. Antoine Molant also mentioned how many journalists compared the first game and Resident Evil VII, finding several similarities such as the game menus, specifically the inventory list, and the way rooms are unlocked, as well as save areas and puzzles that are presented in a very similar way to the first installments.
All of this makes the experience in Resident Evil VII standout from other installments in the series. It’s worth noting that the game is set to be available on January 24 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Best regards.