Average Monthly Google Plus Usage Is Only 3 Minutes

As we can see from the previous image, Facebook comes in at the top with an average of 405 minutes, followed by the microblogging service Tumblr with an average of 89 minutes, then Pinterest with an average of 89 minutes as well, and Twitter with only 21 minutes!
Some may find this statistic strange, but I suspect that despite the continuous developments, Google+ has a significant deficiency in terms of design and usability. I find that Facebook is much easier for both regular and professional users. I have an account on Google+ but I don’t spend more than a few minutes on it weekly.
As for Twitter, the statistic is not accurate as it only relates to the web and not mobile usage. Most Twitter users access it through their phones.
With Google+ nearing 100 million members, I believe it needs more developments in terms of design. It offers unique services, such as the ability to have video conversations with more than 10 people through webcam, unlike Facebook which only allows you to talk to one person through webcam.
For me, the statistics make sense. What about you?