Applications that act like a calculator but will give you a second phone inside your phone that cannot be accessed by anyone else.

Imagine a calculator on your phone that allows you, after entering a specific code, to open another phone with “secret” applications, photos, files, and more.
This idea has been used for a long time in mobile phone development. Users bought a mobile phone that didn’t have much on it, opened a calculator, entered a code, and opened a conversation that was supposed to be unique in the world, invisible to any kind of spying. Months later, it was discovered that the content of that conversation was going straight to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But that’s another story.
Here we are talking about the fact that there are calculator applications on the Android system via the Google Play Store that allow us to hide content, such as photos, videos, and access to applications. In short, you will get a second phone that is invisible, where you can open everything you don’t want anyone else to see.
These applications work by allowing you to customize keys to grant access to invisible content.
The first time we open any of the above applications, which are supposed to be calculators, we will need to enter a code (six digits). Then we will use this code to open the menu of the content we want to hide. In this hidden phone, we can place the applications we want, hide folders, photos, videos, and anything else we don’t want to be seen with the phone in the traditional way.
It is possible to take photos and record videos to access them from the private gallery, as well as access duplicate copies of other applications so that no one can see their content.
The downside is that they come loaded with some ads, so we recommend being patient when using them, as it is common to see some ads when using them. However, they are completely free.