
An unpleasant surprise for Facebook Messenger users

Facebook is considered one of the most powerful social media networks in the world, with a huge number of users reaching up to a billion users worldwide. We use Facebook in many aspects of our daily lives, for entertainment, work, study, and more, due to its simplicity, availability to everyone at all times, and many other amazing features. It is worth mentioning that Facebook has always been completely free for everyone. However, it seems that a soon change will occur in one of Facebook’s most important services, and I don’t think it will be a change for the better for most of its users. This is what we have chosen as the topic of our article today, as we will talk about a new surprise for Facebook Messenger users, but I do not think it will be a pleasant surprise.
As we know, the Facebook Messenger app is one of the most popular services of Facebook. The company started introducing it as an optional service, where you could either install it on your phone and use it, or continue using the messages in the main Facebook app. However, it did not take long before the company forced its users to use it.
In fact, although I was not initially a supporter of this app, after using it for a short period, I found that it offers great features that are not available in other messaging apps, the most important of which are message bubbles that allow you to do what you want on your phone while using this app to communicate with others. Unfortunately, this may change soon with the surprise that Facebook has in store for its users.
If you are a Facebook Messenger user, I think you should start expecting ads to pop up in this app in the near future as Facebook is currently testing the idea of introducing ads into Facebook Messenger, which means a lot of annoyance for over a billion users worldwide.
It was reported that Facebook has started a simple test where ads are shown to Facebook Messenger users in Australia and Thailand, where those undergoing the test will start seeing ads on the main screen of Facebook Messenger in the coming weeks.
The funny thing is that Facebook talks about ads as if it is a good thing, emphasizing in its article about ads in Facebook Messenger that it is a helpful approach that assists people and businesses on Facebook Messenger, and that people will be interested in hearing about businesses and interacting with them on Messenger. Personally, I do not find it interesting at all. What about you, dear reader?
In reality, the matter is very simple and clear. Like any other business, Facebook ultimately aims to make money, and it seems that for them, making money simply means displaying ads in front of about a billion Facebook users.
In conclusion, it may seem very annoying, but it is a reality where Facebook will start showing ads to Facebook Messenger users, which may make some users consider completely giving up this service. What about you, dear reader? What do you think about the idea of having ads in Facebook Messenger? What made you choose Facebook Messenger initially despite the presence of a huge number of other apps? And will you consider abandoning Facebook Messenger completely because of that? What is the best alternative for you?

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