Adding Facebook friends and other apps to your WhatsApp friends list.

Many WhatsApp users or users of other applications want to get a large number of friends and communicate with them. We can also invite our friends in applications like Imo, Viber, and others to join our friends list in WhatsApp, or vice versa. As for the WhatsApp application, due to its link to Facebook, there is a possibility to add all your Facebook friends to your friends list in WhatsApp by sending them invitations, which we will learn about today.
If you do not have the WhatsApp application, you can download it for free for Android phones from the Google Play Store, or for iPhone and other Apple devices, you can download it from the App Store. Also, Facebook Messenger application for Android users and iPhone users. After downloading and installing the program, we log into it and at the same time our Facebook account is logged in, which we want to add friends from to our friends list in WhatsApp.
After entering the WhatsApp application, we click on the icon at the top, and select Settings from it to enter the main settings of the application.
Then we select Contacts to access the list for inviting your friends to Facebook to join you and your list in WhatsApp as well.
After that, we select Invite a friends, and again, make sure you are connected to your Facebook page or have logged into your Facebook page through the Facebook Messenger application for ease of inviting your friends directly.
You will see a group of free applications on your Android phone for chatting and messaging, and you can also invite your friends in other applications like Viber and Imo to join your friends list in WhatsApp. The same steps we will follow to invite our friends on Facebook can be executed with these applications. Even if they do not have WhatsApp or do not use it, they will receive an invitation to join or use WhatsApp. You can also invite your friends via email, but what matters here is the Facebook Messenger application as an example here, which we click on and select.
You will enter the list of friends you have on Facebook, and I have highlighted the friends as a form of privacy, but if you want to invite any friend of yours, all you have to do is check the small box next to their name, then click send at the bottom to directly send them the invitation. If they accept it, you will be informed, and if they reject it, you will also be notified. Also, if they do not have WhatsApp or do not use it, the message will also contain a link to download the WhatsApp application.
In the end, we have learned this simple way to add your friends on Facebook and other applications like Imo, Viber, and others to your friends list in WhatsApp. Goodbye in upcoming lessons. Thank you.