According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… learn how to make a face mask at home in just a few minutes

However, not all videos are accurate. As this virus continues to spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention clarified the videos that explain how to make these masks at home correctly. Recently, there has been a large number of inaccurate videos circulating online, explaining incorrect ways to make masks that are not approved or safe.
Unfortunately, some individuals are taking advantage of the spread of the coronavirus to make money without caring that one of these videos explaining incorrect ways to fight infection or make masks could cause harm or even death to a patient. Therefore, the following videos provide instructions for making masks at home correctly:
Official video on making masks at home by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Video demonstrating how to make a mask at home from cloth tissues:
Video illustrating the creation of advanced masks:
Creative video demonstrating the most comfortable and effective masks:
Article by Mohammad Arafat