A unique way to watch YouTube in a pop-up screen while working on the computer.
YouTube is one of the most widely used services for watching and sharing videos, providing users with many amazing features. We have discussed in many previous topics about this unique service, such as the best 3 programs to download a full playlist from YouTube with a click of a button and high resolution, how to watch YouTube videos in a pop-up window while browsing the internet, and many other interesting topics. Today, we will talk about a simple way to watch YouTube in a pop-up window while working on your computer in any other program with ease.
We will use a small program in this explanation, no more than 1 megabyte in size, called OnTopReplica. It is a special program that allows you, dear reader, to watch another window through a small pop-up window that floats anywhere you want on the screen, with the ability to control its size, position, and other unique options. Here is how you can use it easily:
1- First, download the application from its official website through the following link:
2- If your download has not started, you can click on “here” on the screen as shown in the following image:
3- Once the application is downloaded, install it like any other application as shown in the following image:
4- After installing and opening the application, you will get a blank screen as shown in the following image:
5- By right-clicking, you will get a variety of options. Click on the first option “Select Window” and then choose the window you want to watch. For example, I will open a window from the Google Chrome browser containing a YouTube video from the blog page as shown in the following image:
6- You will notice a pop-up window with the video playing in it as shown in the following image:
7- You can also select the area you want to watch on the screen by right-clicking on the mouse and choosing “Select Region” as shown in the following image:
8- Simply select the area you want and then click on “Done” as shown in the following image:
9- You will then see only the part of the screen you selected as shown in the following image:
10- The application offers two special options in the “Advance” group. By clicking on the “Enable Click-Through” option, you can click on objects behind the video, making the video screen transparent when you approach it, allowing you to click on options behind it in the program you are using as shown in the following image:
11- The “Enable Click forwarding” option allows you to control the main screen by clicking on the pop-up screen to stop the video, change it, or other great options as shown in the following image:
In conclusion, this program is very unique and useful despite its small size and simplicity, allowing you to watch what you want at the same time while performing any task on your computer.