A Simple Step in Windows to Speed Up and Improve Computer Performance

One of the problems that most computer users face is the issue of slow computer performance. This problem arises due to various factors such as weak computer capabilities or the age of your computer, causing it to not perform well. Therefore, you need to identify the root cause of this problem in order to solve it. Today, we will focus on one of these causes, but first read the most important tips to make your computer faster.
– Reason for slow computer performance
The issue of slowness occurs when using the computer for a long time without refreshing the system or updating it, which leads to storing large amounts of data in the computer’s RAM memory, resulting in slow performance. There are programs that store data for future use even after shutting down the computer. Imagine if every program does this, the memory will be filled with unnecessary data, slowing down the computer for sure.
Certainly, if there are data stored in the computer’s memory, we can delete them and get rid of unnecessary data. The method is not like uninstalling a program, but we will use a DLL file created by Windows system developers to free up space in the computer’s RAM. Follow these steps to learn how to call and run this file: Open the RUN window by pressing Windows+R, then type the following command:
%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
Then click OK or press Enter, the system will automatically call and run the file. You will notice a significant difference if you are experiencing slow computer performance.
In the second solution, you will use the same command but create a shortcut file so you can quickly access it if you forget the command. By simply clicking on the shortcut, you can use the command. Follow these steps to create a shortcut file: Right-click on a blank space on the desktop, choose NEW, then select shortcut, then paste the previous command:
%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
Click Next, give a name to the file, and click Finish. Now you have a shortcut file that you can access quickly to run and speed up your computer.
These are some of the easiest and simplest ways to speed up various Windows systems from version 7 to 10. You can use these methods to address slow computer performance due to excessive data stored in the computer’s memory. Of course, slow performance can also be caused by other issues, which you can learn more about in the article “Key Reasons for Slow Computer Performance and Solutions.” I hope you find this helpful.