A new and guaranteed method to get free RDP with admin privileges

We have previously discussed in previous posts about many ways through which you can get an RDP computer for free and quickly, avoiding complicated methods like cracking. There is no doubt that such a service is increasingly in demand with its growing benefits, especially in the field of online work where people use this service to create accounts on websites that now reject Arabs, such as popular design-selling websites and sites that offer trial accounts like Netflix and others.
Not only that, but using RDP computers can also give you 4000 hours of watch time on your YouTube channel to activate income and other various uses we cannot mention all of them.
To get the RDP service, you first need to follow some necessary steps that I will explain to you in detail.
First, for this method, we will need two websites, and I will leave all the links below in the post.
After accessing the first website, click on the “start” option to prepare the RDP as shown in the image.
Then you will copy this command:
sudo su –
wget -O Katacoda_Windows11SuperLite.sh https://bit.ly/2URPD7y
chmod +x Katacoda_Windows11SuperLite.sh
and paste it in the black box as shown in the image.
After that, you will be asked to enter another code that you will get from the ngrok website, which requires registration to get the code.
You will copy and paste it back into the black bar.
After that, you wait for some time until the RDP is ready.
Then you will be provided with the IP information that you enter into the known program to access the device, as shown in the image.
You will get a powerful computer with high specifications and fast internet.
First website link katacoda
Second website link ngrok
By Emir Messinis