Achieving Victory Royale in Fortnite Reload is not easy. Players are distributed into teams of 4 people, and even if one member survives, the whole team can enjoy an infinite number of respawns. If players want to win in Fortnite Reload, these specific tips and tricks for the gameplay mode may help them achieve that.
New and seasoned players alike must learn a lot, as Fortnite features an advanced meta that will keep players on their toes. However, there are some mechanics and tricks to learn alongside the best weapons, which may help players achieve more success as they strive for victory.
While the Fortnite Reload version may hold promising future where players can enjoy playing solo, or in teams of two or three, the initial version of this mini Battle Royale mode only includes teams. Therefore, it would be unwise to enter without a team. Fortunately, for those who prefer to work alone, or for players who don’t have a team of their own, they can use the fill team option.
By doing so, they will enter a match with a random team of players who also want a team for this squad-based match. It is essential to have a team in Fortnite Reload, as without a team, players will not receive any support against other player teams, and they will not have the opportunity to respawn, as there will be no one left alive in their team to revive them.
Don’t Fear Waiting Until the Final Storm Circles
Many players try to play aggressively and find themselves in dangerous situations. Whether they are defeated by another team, or trapped between two other aggressive teams, there are many ways to die in Fortnite Reload. Players can try to avoid that simply by waiting and hiding with their team, taking refuge in a safe place within the storm circle while awaiting the end of the respawns.
At the end of the match, respawns will be disabled, meaning if players are smart and wait before making their move, they will have all team members fully equipped with weapons, ammo, health, armor, and ready to face unprepared teams that may have lost one of their players.
Use the Reboot Option Instead of Waiting for Revival
When players get knocked down in Fortnite Reload, they don’t need to rely on a friend to take their reboot card and go to the Reboot Van. Instead, players simply need to wait 30 seconds before respawning, rushing back into battle with a regular assault rifle to help them fight.
It is unwise to wait for revival, as the player’s team may struggle in the midst of battle, leaving them one player less, as this player may not want to sacrifice their precious loot or belongings. By respawning immediately, players can count down those 30 seconds before their team ally regains consciousness, which can easily turn the battle in their favor. Additionally, they can always retrieve their loot after respawning.
Hunt Down Remaining Enemy Players
There’s nothing more frustrating than eliminating a team, only to discover that one of them is still alive, hiding somewhere until their team can respawn in the match and add more suffering and torture, only to be killed again in a vicious loop. Players must communicate and keep track of the number of players from the team they have killed, so they can assess the time left before the respawn occurs, and if they are able to find the sole survivor from that team.
Players must try to track down enemies if they have made an effort to eliminate their team. Even if one member survives, the entire team can come back stronger than ever. Players should make it a priority to eliminate the team they are focusing on, so another team of competitors returns to the lobby without any spoils.
Carry Escape Aid Items for Quick Getaways
Everyone has experienced a situation where using a Shockwave Grenade could have saved the day, ensuring an easy escape from aggressive enemies and giving the team mates enough time to return to the match and turn the tide of the battle. To avoid getting caught in crossfire when they are outnumbered or overwhelmed, players must make sure one of their inventory slots is dedicated to a mobility item, such as a Grappler or Shockwave Grenade.
Each of these items will be useful, allowing players to move quickly in any direction. Whether it’s climbing a tall building or simply gaining a big burst of speed to escape a fight, players should not hesitate to activate them. Sometimes, surviving the battle means they can heal and try again, or give their deceased teammates the time they need to return to the respawn.
It is always frustrating to have a team with some stragglers. Players need to communicate, especially since Fortnite Reload released Squad mode only. With 3 other teammates in the team, players should strive to stick together, or at least stay within close range of each other to help in battles that may happen at any moment.
Being away from the team is the easiest way to be killed, as other teams may play smartly and efficiently by staying together. By staying as a team, players will have the firepower they need to fight fairly against their opponents, without wondering why their team mates are scattered across the map, seeking kills or loot while their team suffers.