GameSir VX2 AimSwitch Keyboard and Mouse Set for Gaming

I received a strange gift from GameSir a few days ago, which is a mouse and half keyboard under the name GameSir VX2 AimSwitch Gaming Keypad. Yes, you read it correctly, it is a gaming keyboard only, so it is not complete and considered as a half keyboard, specifically the left half of a regular keyboard. The keyboard and mouse are fully equipped for gaming with many features and capabilities that I will review along with the drawbacks.
You can connect the VX2 AimSwitch to PlayStation, Xbox, computer, laptop, Switch, and even phones. This allows you to control games better unlike Joysticks, which are not suitable for most games that require larger and faster control not provided by a gaming controller. Let’s review the distinctive features of the GameSir VX2 AimSwitch.
The keyboard and mouse have beautiful RGB lighting with full color control. The keyboard has several ports – on the right side of the keyboard there is a USB port for the mouse, and on the left side there is a USB-C port for charging, a switch for turning on and off the keyboard.
The keyboard and mouse also come with a USB to USB-C adapter, in addition to the GameSir VX2 AimSwitch Receiver that you install on the computer, PlayStation, or Xbox to directly transmit data to the keyboard and mouse without a wire. You can use this adapter according to the device you are using – in the case of a computer, you connect the adapter directly to the computer via USB then use the keyboard and mouse directly – or plug it into the PlayStation/Xbox through USB and the other end into the PS controller and then directly use the keyboard and mouse.
The mouse is very light and has a tangle-free cord, giving you a higher degree of flexibility during use. The mouse also has a button to control the mouse movement speed directly, as well as side buttons that you can customize within games as you wish.
You can also use the mouse separately by connecting it directly to the computer via the cable, or you can also use the cable to connect the keyboard and mouse to the computer.
The quality of the keyboard and mouse is very good, with no noticeable differences. The mouse is light to use, but its quality may give the impression that it is fragile, and you should take good care of its materials.
There is a screen on the top of the keyboard to give you battery indicators, so you know if the keyboard needs charging or if it is in use wirelessly.
You can charge the keyboard in two hours via the USB-C port and it can last for a week or less depending on your usage.
The keyboard, mouse, and adapter come together for $130 instead of $170 for a limited time, and you can purchase them through the official website or from
The mouse and keyboard are excellent in general use with great features and work immediately upon installation, but they are for gaming only as the keyboard is incomplete and therefore cannot be used for computers, but must be used for gaming only. If you are a gaming enthusiast, then this product is for you, but if you are a regular user, then this article is not for you in the first place.