Here is the list of free games for Xbox Live Gold subscribers for the month of June 2021.

Free Games for Xbox Live Gold Members for June 2021
After Sony took the lead last month in sharing details about the free titles coming for PlayStation Plus subscribers in June, we have also learned recently that Microsoft is gearing up to announce its lineup for the upcoming period.
With more free titles becoming available on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Xbox 360, it is worth noting that the recent offerings have been quite modest in terms of value in the monthly free games lineup for those under the umbrella of Xbox Live Gold service.
This trend continues next month based on the recent unveiling, where Microsoft, particularly the Xbox sector, has taken the opportunity to share with us the new service additions for the upcoming period. It has been confirmed that users on Xbox Series X and Xbox One will receive a bundle of titles, while Xbox 360 players will get two games as follows.
On Xbox Series X and Xbox, players can enjoy The King’s Bird from June 1st to 30th, and Shadow’s Awakening from June 16th to July 15th. On the other hand, Xbox 360 players will benefit from NeoGeo Battle Coliseum from June 1st to 15th, and Injustice Gods Among Us from June 16th to 30th. It’s worth mentioning that all these titles will be available for play simultaneously on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X. Regards.