Win a lot of dollars easily through this new French website, even if you’re a beginner.

The first thing to do is install this extension on your browsergoogle chrome here in order to connect and access the website with a French or any other European country IP address.
After entering the website, register by clicking oninscripion in this way
Then fill in the required information in this way
Immediately after that, you will log in to the website interface and click on clique ici to get 10 free points daily every time you visit the website, as shown in the image
To start earning from the website, click on pts in this way
Then the offers will appear for you to register and collect points. Choose one of the offers and click on it to register, as shown in the image
After that, complete the registration on the website with French, English, or any other European country information, and you can use this website to generate fake information for any country
After registration, click on the activation message in this way
The offer will be successfully activated
Then complete the remaining offers in the same way
After that, the website will verify that you have registered correctly and will add the points after 24 hours of your registration on any website
As for payment on the website, you can pay once you reach the minimum payout of 5000 points, which is equivalent to 5 dollars. Simply click on paiement to request payment in this way
Website link: gptfr
By Aimer MessiNisa