
Here are 10 comparisons between Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, who will win !!

According to October 2018 data, Google Chrome remains the top browser for browsing without any competition. Another browser, Microsoft Edge, but is Edge really the future of browsers as Microsoft believes? To find out, we compared Edge browser against Chrome browser to determine the better browser based on 10 criteria.

1- Memory and CPU Usage
Microsoft claims in its records that its Edge browser is very battery and RAM friendly. However, this claim has not been substantiated through a simple analysis by the company. When keeping several open tabs in Edge browser (17 tabs in our case), Edge can feel heavy and slow even on a Windows device. Chrome browser tends to consume fewer resources. In our test, Chrome only consumed 0.6% of the CPU compared to 13.4% for Edge for the same set of web pages. Additionally, Chrome’s memory consumption was almost 60% lower.
Of course, these are contrasting numbers. If you work with a smaller number of windows, these differences may be marginal. However, if you want to perform multiple tasks, Chrome browser remains the better bet.
2- Bandwidth Comparison
On, Chrome browser consistently recorded faster ping times (between 278 milliseconds to 306 milliseconds), download speeds (between 7.47 Mbps to 4.38 Mbps), and upload speeds (between 4.83 Mbps to 3.88 Mbps) compared to Edge browser. If you only use Edge browser, you will continue to feel slow. But when compared to Chrome browser, the difference in speed is noticeable.

3- Raw Browsing Speed
Our examination of both browsers for raw browsing speed on both Speedtest and Pingdom websites revealed that on average, Chrome browser requests web page searches faster. For example, the page load test for this site on Pingdom took 3.02 seconds on Chrome compared to 3.81 seconds on Edge.

4- Faster JavaScript Engine
JavaScript is an integral part of most web pages and dynamic applications. On, we examined which browser can complete a series of JavaScript tasks better. Google Chrome scored 341.38 points compared to 280.2 points for Edge. So Chrome is the best place to download faster JavaScript.
5- HTML5 Performance
HTML5 is at the core of multimedia applications including online music, streaming videos, web authentication, and online payments. We checked the HTML5 performance for both browsers on and Chrome browser scored 528 out of 550 points compared to 492 points for Edge.

6- Browsing Power
As mentioned earlier, Edge’s latest features allow you to browse multiple tabs within the same window by keeping a few tabs aside. But if this means draining the battery, it’s clear that Chrome wins when it comes to multitasking.
7- Privacy and Security
There is one thing Edge does better than Chrome: private browsing. Even without NoScript enabled, Edge can avoid revealing sensitive hardware information and add-ons. On the other hand, Chrome discloses a lot of information about your computer, including system devices, GPU, display resolution, and more. The decision here is clear that Microsoft cares more about user privacy than Google.

8- Add-ons
Chrome’s browser add-ons collection is significantly more comprehensive. Whereas for Edge, you can scroll through the add-ons to the end in less than a minute! Since many browser add-ons designed for Chrome are not supported on Edge.
9- Feature Level Comparison
Microsoft has made significant efforts to introduce next-generation features in Edge, and now you can save tabs for later; an intuitive feature that allows you to browse everything in one window. You can eliminate all passwords and tabs and mute sound, which is very useful when browsing news sites that play sound without your consent. And you can add notes on the browser window. Unlike Edge, Chrome has not added too many features recently, and one of the exceptions is the “Chrome Sync” feature, which can be very useful in syncing browsers across multiple devices.
10- Mobile Browser Level
Edge excels over Chrome in one more aspect – the mobile interface on Edge appears clearer and faster. Chrome’s mobile market share of 56.9% of mobile browsers declines every year.

Finally, although Microsoft has made great strides through Internet Explorer, Edge browser still has a long way to go before it can catch up with Google Chrome.
Post by: Sho’aib

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