
Call of Duty under DDoS Attack by Unknown Hackers Group currently

In the last hours, players of games like Call of Duty and Hearthstone reported issues accessing their games and accounts, all due to a global DDoS attack suffered by Blizzard.

As confirmed by Blizzard, this attack prevented hundreds of users from logging into games, making it impossible to use various games on the aforementioned site.

The issue lasted for about an hour and affected the operation of important games like Hearthstone, Overwatch, and Call of Duty: Warzone.

Although the problem may not seem significant, at least for users, the truth is that the Blizzard attack is a warning that should be taken seriously as it could recur in the following weeks.

While there is currently no entity or group claiming responsibility for the attack, the reality is that it is a situation that can be repeated and will affect the experience of thousands of players worldwide.

In the midst of this situation, which was dealt with somewhat quickly, it is important to remember that a DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service attack is implemented through sending large amounts of information (like massive spam mailings) from thousands of infected computers, aimed at saturating the victim’s servers to prevent them from functioning properly.

Unlike DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, in the case of DDoS attacks, the information flow is executed from different connection points through botnet networks, for example.

Although in Blizzard’s case, the attack did not completely disable its servers, it did cause connectivity issues and high latency for players.

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