
We do not recommend selling your phones for this reason .. iOS 17.5 update restores users’ photos deleted years ago.

This is certainly one of the strangest cases we have seen in recent years when it comes to system updates. We already know that these updates usually contain many errors, but in this case what we learned was definitely very surprising. Some users found pictures on their iPhones that they had deleted a long time ago, so how could this be possible.

After hearing testimonies from some Apple operating system users who saw how they found, after updating to the new iOS 17.5 version, which mainly works on solving some security flaws, materials that phones never displayed before, specifically in the photo exhibition.

This has two readings. On the one hand, not expecting such a situation, as those who complained on Reddit about these problems somehow stated that some photos they had deleted years ago appeared again on the phone after installing the iOS 17.5 update.

And this even if not connected to iCloud, so the photos can be retrieved from local storage. This is quite disturbing because it is not logical for photos we deleted years ago to reappear in the iPhone photo gallery. Logically, it’s time to find an explanation for all of this, and there are those who have tried that.

This iOS bug has raised concern among many users about how long Apple keeps deleted data. While the company claims that deleted photos are only kept in the “Recently Deleted album” for 30 days before being permanently deleted, the reappearance of these photos indicates otherwise.

Since Apple has not issued any statement on this matter yet, how these photos deleted years ago reappear on users’ iPhones with the latest version of the iOS operating system remains a mystery. Some users believe that iOS somehow rediscovers the photos, while others expect Apple might store photos without users’ knowledge, which could be a very serious problem for the company’s reputation.

So, if you are among the users affected by this bug, the only thing you can do now is wait for Apple to release an update that resolves the issue. In the meantime, you can try to free up storage space by manually deleting unwanted photos.

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