
Youtube allows checking whether the video you want to upload violates copyright before publishing it.

To protect content creators from issues when uploading a video, YouTube is testing new copyright controls.

These controls will allow YouTube users to verify while uploading a video that they are not violating any copyright laws.

Therefore, creators will be fully aware of the content they are uploading to YouTube to avoid going through situations such as copyright infringement lawsuits that can harm their channel.

To avoid these situations, YouTube is testing controls that allow verification of this point before publishing the video, as shown in the image shared by Matt Navarra.

As the image shows, one of the steps of the uploading process is to verify that the video does not present any copyrighted or conflicting elements, allowing the user the opportunity to correct it before publishing.

After completing the verification process, the user will be notified if any issues are found. This will save you a lot of headache. Currently, it seems that this new option is part of a test, so we will have to wait for its implementation for all users.

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