
Video: Anonymous group hacks YandexTaxi app, turning Russian streets into chaos.

The invasion of Ukraine is a military war, but it is also happening online. Hackers from both sides are doing everything they can to disrupt Russia. On September 1, the Kutuzovsky district in Moscow was full of yellow and white cars, almost all of the same model.

The chaos that ensued in the area was massive, with the streets completely closed where no one could move forward or backward, according to Vice.

In the video below recorded by a taxi driver, you can see the astounding traffic jam, with dozens of taxis piling up on the road. What happened?

The traffic jam in Moscow was caused by hacking into the Yandex Taxi app owned by the Russian internet giant Yandex. It is one of the most widely used apps in the capital to connect with a taxi or Uber-type private car.

Hackers took control of the app and notified all taxi drivers in its database that there was a need for many taxis in the same area. So hundreds of transport vehicles rushed from the Russian capital to the same point at the same time.

Additionally, Moscow is the second-worst city in the world for traffic congestion, according to a study published by CBS network last year.

Anonymous group claimed responsibility for the attack, in collaboration with the Ukrainian Information Technology Army, a group of hackers in the occupied state.

Russian targets have been subjected to multiple attacks in recent months, as well as from the other side. A few weeks ago, a recent attack occurred on the Spanish CSIC in Russia.

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