
Search on YouTube like a Pro

YouTube has become one of the essential websites for any user. It has become like Google search engine. If you want to watch a video, you will definitely think of going to YouTube and searching for it. However, you may want to make the search process more accurate and easier. So, there are some ways that can help you access more precise results. Let’s search on YouTube like professionals 🙂

Read the rest of the article for more details.

First, if you want to change YouTube to Arabic language, scroll down to the bottom of the site and click on the language as shown in the following image:

Then choose Arabic language.

Now, for example, if I want to search for videos of the media personality Yosri Fouda, I will enter YouTube, then search for the keyword Yosri Fouda. I will get many results, so I will click on the search options.

We will customize them to suit us.

• As we can see, the first column is about search results. For example, you can search in videos or channels.

• The second column is about categorization. You can search by upload date (recently uploaded videos), views count (videos with high views), or rating (videos with high ratings).

• The third column is about upload date. You can search by upload time, videos uploaded today, this week, or this month.

• The fourth column is about video categories or features.

• The fifth column is about video duration, short video (displays videos less than 4 minutes) or long video (displays videos longer than 20 minutes).

Note that you can choose more than one option. For example, you can choose “upload date” in the second column, along with choosing “today” in the third column, and thus you will see the latest videos uploaded today from newest to oldest.


You can also activate the safe mode feature to protect your children and yourself from inappropriate content and comments. Just scroll down on the page and click on “Safety Mode.”

Then select “Turn on.”

This is everything.

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