3 Components of Your Device You Didn’t Know Affect Computer Speed

We have previously reviewed a topic about purchasing a processor and how to choose one that suits your needs and knowing everything you want about it. However, some people overlook an important factor in the processor, which is the cache, or the temporary memory in the processor. In fact, the cache in the processor acts like RAM, as it is temporary memory inside the processor where important data is stored to facilitate the processor’s access to it because it is very fast memory and the exchange of data between it and the processor is very fast.
There are multiple levels of this memory, including L1, L2, L3, and even L4 in modern processors. It is not possible to determine a specific number for this memory, but a size from 3 megabytes to 6 megabytes will be sufficient for your processor. Generally, processor cache is very important, and you should consider it when purchasing a processor because it affects the computer’s performance.
2. Your Hard Drive Speed
Some people ignore this aspect, but it is a reality. The hard drive containing the Windows system affects the speed and performance of the computer. There is a factor called RPM (Revolutions Per Minute), which determines the speed of the hard drive in reading and writing data, and this factor is very important. Certainly, an SSD hard drive is extremely fast. Imagine if Windows was installed directly on it, the difference would be noticeable.
But generally, the rates of 5400rpm and 7200rpm are the most common, and of course, the higher number is better because it means a greater number of rotations per minute, resulting in faster reading and writing speed for the hard drive.
3. RAM Frequency
When purchasing RAM, some focus specifically on the size and capacity of the RAM and do not think about anything else. However, the reality is different, and we have explained it before, but now I want to highlight an important factor in RAM for better device speed, which is the frequency. Frequency determines the speed of the RAM, and speed is what determines the speed of data exchange between RAM and the rest of the device’s components. It is best to buy the highest frequency, which is 1600MHz, and also, 1333MHz is acceptable, but 1600MHz is currently the best. You can buy higher frequencies, but make sure first that your motherboard supports them.