
Does online gaming really consume a large amount of internet data?

We all see a lot of posts and news on the internet, many of which lack credibility, transparency, and professional expertise. Many pages exploit their popularity to spread certain rumors for various purposes. That’s why we sometimes see posts asking players to stop playing online games due to high bandwidth consumption. Today, we will discuss the illogical reasons behind this.

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Online games consume minimal data
Everyone notices the increasing popularity of online games, with platforms like Steam witnessing a significant increase in the number of players, resulting in high standard usage. So, how much data do online games actually consume? The answer varies depending on the game.
For example, it is reported that both Fortnite and Minecraft use around 100 megabytes of data per hour, which is quite typical. Some games may use slightly more or less data. Expect somewhere between 40 megabytes and 150 megabytes for PUBG and others. So, this consumption for games of this magnitude is quite good.
In contrast, streaming Netflix in high definition can consume up to 3000 megabytes (3 gigabytes) per hour. In other words, Netflix streaming may use about thirty times the amount of data that online games consume. If you have a Zoom meeting, streaming high-definition video at 1080 pixels consumes 1.8 megabits per second, or 0.81 gigabytes per hour.
But downloading some games is sometimes huge
It is worth noting that many digital game downloads are large in size. For example, Red Dead Redemption 2 comes with a size of 105 gigabytes, often because modern games include high-resolution graphics and high-quality audio files. However, not all games are of this size.
There are popular games like PUBG and Fortnite and other Battle Royale games that are widely spread that are not very large in size and at the same time do not consume a lot of data. So, naturally, based on these numbers derived from user experiences, if you play online, you won’t consume a lot of bandwidth like watching a specific movie in high definition.

More: Why do new games take up a lot of space on the hard drive?

What can be concluded as a result
While game downloads sometimes consume a lot of data, it is not the only thing that requires intensive data. If downloading and playing games keeps you happy and entertained while at home, then continue doing so! You are providing a service to the world by staying at home and playing games during the COVID-19 pandemic, and people should not urge you to stop playing now.

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