Very special Arabic TED talks for entrepreneurs

One of the best lectures I have seen so far, if not the best, definitely. Dr. Wael Fakharani, the director of Google Egypt and North Africa, shares a part of his life, and talks about the Comfort Zone that everyone in our Arab society seeks in reality. This lecture is definitely worth watching more than once. You should not always be satisfied with the current situation, but rather work to change it.
2. Nada Chatila’s Lecture
One of the best lectures that makes you look at life again, a lecture about hope, fighting, and struggling with illness. I believe that this lecture will make you go back and look at your life again and rearrange things.
3. Ali Taleb Al-Murani’s Lecture
This lecture is actually the reason for the delay in publishing this post, as I watched it a long time ago and did not have the link or even know the name or title of the video. So, I searched for hours until I found it. It is an experience of a person named Ali Taleb Al-Murani who works as a media developer. I liked it a lot and it deserves to be watched hundreds of times.
4. Emad Al-Masoudi’s Lecture
Emad Al-Masoudi is one of the entrepreneurs and the founder of AqarMap. This lecture is definitely worth watching, as Emad left his prestigious job to work as an entrepreneur. He is from Yemen and lives in Egypt, and his experience and biography deserve our attention. This speech is definitely worth watching.
We will have more special educational topics, God willing, and we will present more to you. So far, we have reviewed a topic about the best Arabic websites and YouTube channels that offer free educational courses, and we have also reviewed Arabic channels and courses in the field of computers. We invite you to check out these topics as well. I apologize for the few lectures, but I wanted to focus on the best and I have not seen better lectures than the ones listed above. If you have another special Arabic lecture, feel free to share it with us in the comments.