If you are a content creator on the internet and already have a website running on the Blogger platform and know that there are a large number of blog followers who already have their own website or blog, or even blog for existing websites, we always encourage the idea as everyone has ideas and information that others do not have, and not sharing them is a big mistake because receiving information and not sharing it with others and sharing the benefit with them will make it die with you because we all have a fate that will eventually come to us sooner or later, by sharing what you have always, even if it’s through comments on the internet or even social media sites.
Today we have reached a tool that has been programmed by one of the developers, Adam Wlewis, but the strange thing is that the tool is unique and performs a very special task, but it has not been published in any Arabic or foreign articles. This tool automatically changes a specific word, phrase, or text, or even code in all the articles published on a Blogger blog by searching in all the articles for the word/phrase and changing it to another word or phrase as you wish. By making manual edits to many articles is difficult, but through this tool, you will be able to do that easily.
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The tool
Blogger Find & Replace is a completely free tool that helps you replace a word in all the articles published on a blog on the Blogger platform at once by allowing the tool to access your Google account and choosing the blog you want to make changes to. You write the word you want to change and the word you want to change it to. For example, I used the tool to change all the links on the computer world from http to https.
Note that you need to be careful when making changes because there is no way to go back and the change will be made immediately. For example, if you write changing http to https, this is incorrect because it will change even the links with https to httpss, so you have to change the entire word from http to https: to make the change correctly. Here I am just giving an example, you must double-check before making changes to avoid errors that you cannot undo.
The tool offers you some features where you can add a check mark next to “SHOW ALL POST DETAILS” to show the names of all the articles searched and if the word is not found, no action will be taken, and if the tool finds the word and replaces it in the example, you will find it in green next to the article name. There is also an “TEST MODE” option that allows searching for the word in articles without replacing it.
Despite the tool being great, it has a problem that those with a large number of articles will notice. When the tool fails to edit any article for any reason or error and the article appears in red next to it with the phrase “Failed to save,” the tool does not complete the process and stops, and you have to start over. The tool starts from the last article published and starts editing gradually, so you will wait for it to search again, which takes a lot of time and many attempts. I hope the developer will make adjustments so that if the tool fails to edit, you can skip that article and continue the process.
After using the tool, do not forget to access your Google account and remove the tool’s access permission from your account through the Google account management page by clicking on Data and Privacy and then clicking on Third-party apps with account access and then clicking on Remove access next to the tool to avoid any future issues.