Save a web page as a PDF file in Google Chrome browser

Certainly, PDF files are the best format for reading as you can easily browse them like an electronic book on your device using book reading programs. This method allows you to save all the articles you want on your device as electronic book files and read them easily.
How to Save a Web Page as a PDF File
All you have to do is open the web page you want to save as a PDF file using Google Chrome browser for easy saving on your device. Then press the “Menu” menu and then “Print” or you can use the CTRL+P shortcut directly.
Then a window will appear, click on “Change.”
Another window will appear, click on “Save as PDF” to save the web page as a PDF electronic book. As shown in the following image.
Then click on Save and choose the location to save the file. Then write the name you want for the file and save it on your device.
Now the web page is saved on your device and you can browse it like an electronic book on your device using Firefox browser, Google Chrome, Adobe Reader, or any eBook reader program. You can repeat the same steps above every time you want to save a web page on your device and read it later. It is certainly an easy and distinctive method without the need for using software on your device or browser extensions.