
5 Steps to Test Your Computer Components

You will always want to check your device to make sure that all components are working properly, or in good condition and functioning efficiently. Even if you plan to buy a used computer and want to check it to determine its quality and whether it works efficiently or not, and whether you will buy it or not, and how much it deserves. Certainly, through checking the device, you will be able to clearly know all these matters. Therefore, we will review in this topic some important steps that you should follow to check your computer whether for the purpose of purchase or to confirm its condition. Through a set of tools and methods, you will be able to know all these matters as you check the screen, hard drive, processor, graphics card, RAM, and also the keyboard.

1. Check the computer screen for non-working pixels

Certainly, there is the normal inspection where you check the connections, cables, and other matters, and that the screen is visually intact. But there are what are called Pixels, which consist of three colors: red, green, and blue. Sometimes, there are non-working points, which can cause the screen to not work or work with low efficiency. You will always find non-working points always in a different color when checking with one of the colors.

To check the non-working points on your screen, you can use the Dead Pixels tool or the Check Pixels tool online directly without downloading, or download the IsMyLcdOK program to perform the same check offline without the Internet. Certainly, the points will appear in the form of colors, red, green, and blue, where the non-working points will appear in black. You have to perform this check by having the full screen, so if you are using online tools from the browser, press F11 to display the browser in full screen.

2. Check the hard drive in the device

Certainly, the hard drive is one of the most important hardware components that you should always check, not only to ensure that it is working efficiently, but also to avoid losing data stored on the hard drive at any moment and to prepare before the hard drive collapses completely. Whether the hard drive is HDD or SSD, you should check it.

We have previously reviewed a topic about checking the hard drive status on your device thoroughly, and you can also use the HDSentinel program to check the hard drive. Some companies issue tools specific to them to check the types of hard drives they have. As for the SSD type hard drive, you can use the SSD Life program to check the hard drive, display its assumed lifespan, and as you can see in the image above, the assumed lifespan of my hard drive is 9 years, God willing.

3. Check the processor and graphics card

(Do not perform this test for a long time to avoid raising the temperature of the graphics card or the processor, which may cause the computer to stop working immediately)

Certainly, the processor and graphics card are one of the most important components of the computer that you should always check to determine their efficiency. You can use the Furmark tools to check them. After downloading, run the program and to check the graphics card, choose 1280×720 for normal and medium screens, or choose 1920×1080 for Full HD screens, then perform the check. If you notice any flickering or distortion in the test, this means that your graphics card has a problem.

As for the processor, press the CPU burner and then Start to start the test. If you notice the computer stopping or any problems, this means that you have a problem with the processor or with the cooling as well.

Note that the purpose of these tests is to stress the graphics card and the processor intensively to determine their endurance and efficiency, so you can know the extent to which you can rely on them in your device and their efficiency and ability to work continuously and intensively at the highest efficiency.

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