pc programs

5 Steps to Speed Up Your Computer

In this topic, we explain Steps to Speed up Your Computer as many users notice that their computer slows down after a period of use. In this topic, we will explain a set of ways to speed up your computer that do not require any significant experience to perform. All the steps and methods are easy and simple that any user can do.

1- Disable programs running at startup

It is noticed that when starting the computer, there are many programs running automatically. These programs slow down the operating system because they take up a lot of RAM and CPU memory. You need to fix this by preventing these programs from running at startup. Here’s how to do it:
Open the Start menu and choose Search, then type RUN and press it. A window will appear, type the command msconfig inside it and press OK. A window will appear, choose the Startup tab and prevent the programs in front of you from running at startup. Press OK and you’re done.

2- Defragment the hard drive
After a period of using the hard drive and storing many files on it, the performance of the hard drive starts to decline. This is because the hard disk physically stores files randomly, making accessing and running files take longer over time. This happens with all hard drives and is very easy to fix using a program that rearranges and defragments files on the hard drive, improving the performance of the hard disk and extending its lifespan. You can download and use Defraggler program to do this task efficiently.

3- Clear Internet history and cookies
After browsing the internet, some files are saved in the operating system from the websites you visited. These files consist of files, folders, and images from previously visited websites, taking up space on the hard disk. After a while, these files slow down the performance of the computer and take up a large space on the hard disk. You can delete these files by using CCleaner program, as it is a free and powerful program in dealing with unnecessary and unhelpful files that occupy space on the hard disk.

4- Proper cooling for the device
Ensure that your computer is in a well-ventilated place without dust or moisture, and make sure that the cooling fans are working properly and that the device is not overheating above the normal rate. Avoid putting pressure on the device with heavy programs or games that cause it to heat up excessively.

5- Remove unnecessary and harmful programs
You should delete and remove unused or harmful programs installed on your operating system as they take up a large space on the hard disk and also affect the overall performance of the computer. They put pressure on the CPU, RAM, and hard disk, all of which negatively impact the device and make it slower. To solve this problem, you can download and install IObit Uninstaller program on the operating system and remove any program you want from its roots, as it is a giant program in its field.

In conclusion, I hope that the explanation of Speeding up your computer is clear and helpful. If you found the explanation useful, share the topic with your friends and loved ones on social media platforms, and stay tuned for more upcoming tutorials.

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