5 of the Best and Fastest USB 3.0 Flash Drives for 2019 that You Might Like

USB flash drives come in different shapes, sizes, and types, but sometimes all you need is good speed – so what is the fastest USB flash drive today? Looking at the Amazon market, there are many brands claiming to be the fastest USB stick, whether USB 3.0 or USB 3.1, but it’s best not to believe the ads too much and instead the data and user reviews might give you a more comprehensive look, for this purpose, we will present to you today a selection of the best flash drives recommended for use.
1. SanDisk Extreme Pro SDCZ880
This stick boosts read speeds (420 MB/s) and write speeds (380 MB/s), and actually Benchmark users rate it as the fastest USB flash drive today, especially in write speeds, this fast consecutive write speed is best for copying large files, as the SanDisk Extreme Pro comes in two relatively high capacities – 128GB and 256GB – it is the best drive for such needs, and if you’re someone who often loses flash drive caps, you’ll like this sleek sliding flash drive, priced at around $43.
Read also: Disabling USB ports on the computer and protecting them with a password – USB Manager program
2. Corsair Flash Voyager GTX
The read and write speeds of the SanDisk Extreme Pro are impressively high enough to make it the fastest USB flash drive, but the Corsair Flash Voyager GTX has a higher read speed (440 MB/s) and write speed (440 MB/s), if your device doesn’t have enough space, you can rely on it for its high speeds and large storage spaces as well, priced at around $70.
3. Kingston DataTraveler 100 G3
We don’t always need a USB drive with a lot of storage capacity, sometimes we just need a little space for simple purposes but it should be fast and cheap (100 MB/s read), Kingston DataTraveler DT 100 G3 is ideal for this purpose, ranging in size from 16GB to 32GB, although these drives are USB 3.0, they are also compatible with USB 2.0 ports, Kingston provides a free five-year warranty on each drive, priced at around $6.
4. Samsung Fit Plus
If you run a portable operating system from a USB drive like portable Linux systems for example, the drive plays a big role in performance, for most people, the 128GB version of the Samsung Fit Plus is the best and fastest USB flash drive for this purpose, there is a specific reason behind this when running Linux from a USB drive, a lot of small files are continuously read and rewritten, these speeds called 4k-Write and 4k-Read are more important than faster consecutive speeds, Samsung Fit Plus excels in 4K speeds making it ideal for running the operating system at a price of around $22.
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5. Samsung Duo Plus
Many laptops and ultrabooks have moved to using USB-C ports only instead of the traditional USB-A port, the Samsung Duo Plus supports both types of ports so you can use it with regular laptops as well as those with only USB-C ports, coming in a medium size of 512GB with a read speed of 300 MB/s and write speed of 100 MB/s and priced at around $50.