5 amazing features coming soon to WhatsApp

1. Playing YouTube videos directly from WhatsApp:
The WhatsApp Beta version on iOS has already started adding full compatibility with YouTube, allowing users to view YouTube videos directly on WhatsApp without opening the YouTube app. This feature has not been added to Android versions yet, but it is expected to be added in the future, making it easier for users.
2. Money transfers:
WhatsApp is expected to add the feature of transferring money through the app, following the example of social networking sites like Facebook. This feature is likely to be initially available to users in India and then rolled out to other regions, making it easy for users to transfer money without any hassle.
3. Recalling sent messages:
The Beta version on iOS added the feature of recalling messages in December 2016. This feature allows users to retract messages, both text, images, videos, GIFs, and status replies within a five-minute window. This feature is yet to be available on all systems.
4. Sharing location directly:
The new feature allows users to share their location directly with their contacts, enabling friends and family to know each other’s locations without the need for numerous questions. This feature has been added previously to the Facebook Messenger app and is quite useful.
5. Editing sent messages:
This feature, which is expected to be added soon, allows users to correct errors in sent messages instead of deleting them entirely. This feature will be beneficial for all users who may make mistakes while sending messages and want to edit them.
All these features have been added to test versions and have been released in limited distribution, primarily in India. They will become available to everyone over time.
Read also:
How to revert WhatsApp to the version before the new status feature
An overview of the new status feature in the WhatsApp application
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