3 Excel Shortcuts You Don’t Know That Will Save You a Lot of Time

Before I review the shortcuts, I want to remind you all of the video below where we reviewed Excel in full in 20 minutes. I believe it is worth mentioning and worth watching.
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First of all, let me tell you that many shortcuts will be meaningless because you won’t remember all these shortcuts, which may exceed a thousand or more in Excel. But I will only present the shortcuts that deserve to be used because they save time by reducing several steps in one step.
One important shortcut that I use is F4 to repeat the previous edit. This means that if you make any edits to a cell in Excel and want to repeat it on another cell and so on, all you have to do is press F4 and it will apply the same edit to any selected cell. For example, applying the same color, font, or adding a border to the cell and so on from edits.
One very important shortcut that I use is Alt + H, O, I which resizes all selected rows and columns automatically. It automatically resizes these rows and columns to fit the selected cells. What I used to do before discovering this shortcut was manually double-clicking on each row and column to resize it automatically. If you work in Excel for your job, I believe this special shortcut will help make the Excel sheet look much better.
Another useful Excel shortcut is CTRL+ALT+V which allows you to copy and paste in a more specific way. After copying a cell, you can press this shortcut and choose what you want to paste specifically from values, formulas, formats, comments, validation. To elaborate further, when you copy a cell that contains a formula and you want to copy the value inside the cell and not the formula, you will definitely need to copy and paste the cell content as Value, and this shortcut will help you with that.
Now it’s your turn, what Excel shortcut do you think nobody else knows except you and everyone should know about? I hope you add it in the comments below so everyone can benefit. Thank you.