10 Tips to Become a Pro in Assassin’s Creed Mirage If You Follow them

The tips for mastering Assassin’s Creed Mirage will help you excel in this game that returns to the classic Assassin’s Creed style, with a greater focus on stealth and parkour movement rather than the RPG elements that appeared in the recent installments. Mirage has abandoned many modern ideas and returned to focusing on stealth and challenging combat with simplified skill and resource trees, so there are many changes to adapt to. While players of the old installments may find themselves immersed in the game atmosphere easily, there is a lot for fans of the recent installments to learn. Here are some tips to help you master the stealth style in Assassin’s Creed Mirage.
1. Use “Enkidu” Eagle Vision to explore areas in advance
Enkidu, your eagle companion, will be available once you reach Baghdad and start the investigations. Always use Enkidu’s vision before entering any fortified or restricted area to locate enemies, uncover targets, or opportunities. This valuable information will help you better plan your routes. You can also upgrade Enkidu’s abilities through the Predator skill tree, making enemy detection easier.
In some advanced missions, sniper soldiers can prevent Enkidu from flying. There is usually one sniper in the area, often in a high location, so you must eliminate them first. Basim can also detect enemies by looking at them while aiming with a tool like the Throwing Knife, but this method is limited in tracking enemies.
2. Stealth helps you avoid dangerous combat
Stealth is the key element in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, and you should always try to stay hidden for as long as possible in restricted areas because open combat against multiple enemies poses a significant risk. Health elixirs are rare, and Basim is relatively weak, so you need every available advantage, making tools that help you stay hidden or eliminate enemies with one strike very useful.
You can only face one enemy at a time in combat, and if there are more than two enemies, it is better to flee and return to stealth rather than take the risk.
3. Parrying and dodging is the key to winning combat
The combat system in Mirage relies on defense and interacting with parries and dodges instead of continuous sword attacks. Attacks that can be parried glow yellow, and you need to react to them quickly. Some strong enemies require multiple parries to break their defense and make them vulnerable to elimination, so parrying is a skill that must be mastered.
4. Be prepared to flee if you are losing the fight
Do not hesitate to escape from the battle if you feel that you are losing. There are multiple tools to help you escape and stay alive, which is always better than dying and returning to a checkpoint.
Try to climb walls and obstacles while escaping to slow down enemies and make them lose sight of you. Once you lose them, use any hiding spot like a haystack, bush, or bench until you regain stealth and try again.
5. The Trickster skill tree provides the best abilities
The Trickster skill tree is the best investment compared to other options. You can unlock all skills for Basim eventually, but it’s preferable to focus on this tree first. This will allow you to acquire skills like Knife Recovery, Pickpocket Mastery, and Engineer, which are among the best skills in the game. You can also reallocate skill points at any time if you want to try other options.
6. Multi-Purpose Throwing Knives
Throwing Knives are the first tool you acquire in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, and they are one of the best tools. They are an important long-range combat weapon in Basim‘s arsenal, allowing you to eliminate enemies with a single headshot, especially with the right upgrades. You can also use them to interact with environmental objects: do you need to remotely explode an oil jar? Use a throwing knife. Do you need to open a closed door while guards are nearby? Use a throwing knife. Do you need to temporarily blind guards with a spice bag? Use a throwing knife. Even if you do not plan on killing anyone, they are very useful tools and should always be ready.
7. Smoke Bombs should be the first tool you unlock
As soon as you have the option to unlock the first tool from the Banu Musa brothers, definitely choose Smoke Bombs among the available options. They are a powerful and multi-purpose tool that serves as a distraction, an escape opportunity, and an easy way to execute assassinations. Enemies caught in the range of Smoke Bombs cannot move, attack, or detect Basim, allowing you to approach and assassinate them as if you were in full stealth mode, and this works even if they are actively fighting you.
8. Constantly steal and loot for more money and resources
Stealing from civilians and looting chests is essential for collecting necessary resources in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Always pay attention to the pickpocket prompt or use eagle vision to discover bags hanging on passersby belts. When entering any building, use eagle vision to identify lootable chests that appear in a golden color.
These activities allow you to collect valuable treasures like Dinhars (in-game currency) and useful Tokens. You can sell treasures to merchants, then use Dinhars to buy steel ingots, leather, and components to upgrade your weapons, armor, and tools early in the game. Tokens have various uses depending on their type; for example, Merchant Tokens enable you to get discounts from merchants, while Scholar Tokens are useful later in the game.
9. Look for equipment chests to get new weapons and armor
Most weapons, outfits, and upgrades in Assassin’s Creed Mirage can be found in hidden Gear Chests scattered around Baghdad. When exploring any restricted area, especially fortified buildings, pay attention to the golden gear chest icon on the game compass and track any large chests using eagle vision.
Due to their value, gear chests usually require solving some puzzles to access them, such as carefully carrying an oil jar to explode a crevice, moving shelves, or throwing a knife through a window to open a door.
10. Save Scholar Tokens to use with the Cartographers
You can find the Cartographer in the Round City area in Baghdad, who sells maps leading to all kinds of collectibles in exchange for Scholar Tokens. If you are eager to find Gear Chests, Lost Books, or solve puzzles (like Enigma Left Behind), the Cartographer can assist you. However, beware, entering Round City is not easy as it is a high-level area full of strong guards. You will naturally reach it in the story but only later, so be cautious if you want to access the Cartographer early on.